As they say, information is power and that’s what the Build My Future Expo is all about… informing the next generation so they can make good choices for their future.  The one-day expo held in Springfield, Missouri in mid-April allows area businesses to set up exhibits and work spaces where area high school students can get a hands-on feel for what they might do when they reach adulthood if they don’t plan to attend college.

As the 2000+ students moved through the exhibits, they were able to try their hand at anything from carpet laying, to grouting tile, framing a house, laying brick, hanging drywall, running a loader or welding stainless steel plates (in our booth).

Our goal is promoting awareness to the next generation to ensure we can fill craftsman job openings in the years to come.  SFI is also involved in local career fairs, workforce development committees and we offer an apprenticeship program for training master craftsmen welders on the job.

To learn more about SFI’s employment opportunities, go to

Build My Future Expo 2019

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